The Vessel Sampling System (VM 100) allows samples to be taken from a dip pipe mounted at the top of a vessel. The three main versions differ based on their size and method of drawing the sample up the dip pipe.
The vessel sampling systems are ideal for the sampling of batch processing within reactors or storage vessels holding intermediate product or bulk chemicals.
Vessel samplers can be supplied with all wetted parts manufactured from stainless steel or PTFE/PFA-lined components for corrosive media. Our vessel mounted sampling systems are varied in their construction and often designed to meet certain specific requirements of the customers existing plant. The sample can be drawn up the dip pipe using site vacuum, eductor, recirculating pump or pressure within the vessel.
Sample is drawn from vessel up dip pipe using site vacuum. Sampler is cleared by nitrogen purge and / or wash liquor.
This sampling system was engineered specifically for plant areas with minimal space. The compact design is safe, accessible and easy for the operator to use. All components are stainless steel or nickel coated for external protection and cleanliness. The standard design includes:
DE DIETRICH is the world's leading provider of engineered systems, process equipment and solutions for the pharmaceutical, food, green chemistry and chemical industries.
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