If your goal is to improve reactor heat transfer efficiency — safely and quickly — Ondeo Nalco Company and De Dietrich Process Systems can help you meet your objectives. ReStor Service was developed to safely clean and restore glass-lined process reactors.
The reactor – a critical process workhorse of any specialty chemical or pharmaceutical plant – can also be the source of significant bottlenecks in the manufacturing process, ultimately increasing a plant‘s total operational cost. As reactor jackets become fouled with iron oxide corrosion, they can seriously affect production. Over time, internal fouling of the jackets in glass-lined reactors reduces heat transfer efficiencies, increases reaction times and decreases yield by as much as 15%. In addition, this loss of efficiency may cause plant profitability to decrease due to the production of off-quality product, increased utility and maintenance expense, and shorter equipment life.
In some industries, these problems alone can put you at a competitive disadvantage. Conventional, acid-based cleaning methods do not solve the problem with fouled reactors. Acids can damage (spall) or destroy the internal glass lining of reactors. And other common cleaning chemicals are ineffective against iron deposits. Fortunately, a new, safe solution is now available. Ondeo Nalco and DDPS have teamed up to provide the most comprehensive reactor jacket cleaning service currently available to industry– ReStor.
ReStor optimizes your reactors by improving heat transfer efficiency, resulting in increased production and, in the end, lowering your total cost of operation. ReStor can give you a competitive advantage. Developed by Ondeo Nalco, tested and approved by DDPS, cleaning compound GLRx™ quickly and safely removes iron oxide build up from jackets of glass-lined reactors. It works without damaging the glass lining or dissolving the base metal of reactors.
The Ondeo Nalco and DDPS team of experts analyzes the contaminants in your reactor jacket and lays out a plan of action. We then deliver the necessary amount of cleaning compound GLRx, consult with your staff and provide written cleaning instructions to enable you to perform the cleaning in-house.
In addition to Level 1 services, the Ondeo Nalco and DDPS team provides on-site testing and inspection services to monitor the cleaning progression. This allows you to focus on the mechanics of cleaning.
Our team of experts takes complete responsibility for the cleaning of your equipment from our pre-site visit to completion. We supply the manpower, equipment and cleaning product necessary to restore the heat transfer efficiency of your equipment and improve the productivity of your plant.
DE DIETRICH is the world's leading provider of engineered systems, process equipment and solutions for the pharmaceutical, food, green chemistry and chemical industries.
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