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Pack-Off Station

The Pack-Off Station allows for the contained and controlled dosing of solids into lined drums. From simple designs to sophisticated systems, we can cover just about anything. Some common features can be seen below.

Ten-Nine Tech
pack off station features


  • Works with drums from 5 – 55 gallons
  • Automatic pre-bag inertion and venting during filling (if required)
  • Fill to target weight
  • Fast and slow fill function (automatic) – jog function (manual)

  • Onboard control system can be integrated with auxiliary equipment to control the fill sequence
  • Optional integration of milling / delumping or other ancillary equipment


  • Dust-free operation
  • Safe charge of toxic and explosive, wet or dry powders
  • High containment - down to 1μg/m3 (high containment isolator version also available)
  • Small footprint
  • Adaptable to auxiliary equipment (Powder Pump, Filter/Dryer, etc.)

Request a Quote

Reach out to our team with any general questions or, if you have a specific inquiry in mind for your system, complete the Powder Pump Questionnaire.