Process plants to handle highly corrosive halogens like chlorine, bromine, and iodine as well as their salts and acids.
Halogens like chlorine, bromine and iodine are extensively used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The natural sources are salts which are either mined or captured from seawater. The salts, the derived inorganic acids, and especially the elementary halogens are corrosive towards most materials of construction, with the exception of glass and glass lining. QVF borosilicate glass and De Dietrich glass-lined equipment are ideal to handle these products. DDPS has developed proprietary solutions to process these highly corrosive halogens and their acids.
Halogens like chlorine, bromine and iodine are extensively used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The natural sources are salts which are either mined or captured from seawater. The salts, the derived inorganic acids, and especially the elementary halogens are corrosive towards most materials of construction, with the exception of glass and glass lining. QVF borosilicate glass and De Dietrich glass-lined equipment are ideal to handle these products. De Dietrich has developed proprietary solutions to process these highly corrosive halogens and their acids.
In many of these applications, contaminated aqueous HCI is discharged as a by-product, but due to the low cost and availability of fresh supplies, little or no effort has been spent in purifying the contaminated aqueous HCI for re-use. De Dietrich can provide plants to recover, purify and concentrate hydrochloric acid even above the azeotropic point.
Hydrochloric acid is one of the most common chemicals available today and is used in a wide variety of applications, some of the most important being:
Bromine is highly corrosive, toxic, and causes serious chemical burns. 3 ppm in the air are considered immediately dangerous to life and health. Therefore, it is vitally important to take the highest safety precautions when working with bromine.
Accordingly, plants processing bromine have to be made of highly corrosion and diffusion resistant, robust materials. QVF borosilicate glass 3.3 and De Dietrich glass-lined steel are ideal materials for their construction. All measures are taken to avoid any bromine leakage; the equipment fulfills ASME requirements for pressure and tightness of flange connections. For extra safety measures, the vent systems are equipped with bromine scrubbers.
De Dietrich's material quality, detailed design and reliable process engineering contribute to the safe handling of bromine.
Bromine is widely used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Major applications are brominated organic components used as
DE DIETRICH is the world's leading provider of engineered systems, process equipment and solutions for the pharmaceutical, food, green chemistry and chemical industries.
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