Comparison of drying methods available in our range of nutsche filter/dryers.
There are two types of drying that can be conducted; the method used depends on the product behavior. Vacuum drying, the most common method, involves a vacuum source, agitation, and dust filter. This type of drying utilizes vacuum to reduce the temperature at which the solvent evaporates, reducing the average drying temperature. During convection drying, hot, pressurized gas (usually nitrogen) is blown down through solids and out of filtrate lines (and even recirculated as necessary); this will eventually dry the solids. Convection drying is unique to filter/dryers due to their porous filter plate. Unlike vacuum drying, it does not require agitation. Whether vacuum or blow-through drying is selected, a filter/dryer can allow you to get completely dry material out from your process, with less than 0.1% final product moisture. At this point, the vessel and product may need to be cooled to an ambient temperature prior to discharge.