Fundamentals of Glass-Lined Steel Two Day Seminar/Training
De Dietrich Process Systems is hosting a two day seminar on the fundamentals of glass-lined steel process equipment October 26 and 27, 2011. The seminar will include classroom and hands-on training as well as a thorough tour of the De Dietrich Process Systems facility, located in Corpus Christi, Texas, while manufacturing is taking place.
The current agenda includes the following topics:
Wednesday, October 26th
Classroom Section
1. De Dietrich Process Systems' Capabilities2. New Products
a. OptiMix
b. OptiFoil
c. Clean Valve
d. Mechanical Seal
3. Introduction to Glass-Lined Steel
4. Safety Procedures
5. Tools
6. Glass Lining Repairs
a. Patches / Reglassing
b. Sleeves
c. Repair Cements
7. Maintenance
Thursday, October 27th
Plant Tour / Hands-On Section
1. Inspections / Glass Failures2. Operator's Checklist / Maintenance
3. Plug Installation Demonstration
4. Glass Thickness Testing
5. Spark Testing
6. GlasLock Blade Installation / Removal
7. Mechanical Seal Change
An experienced engineer will present the classroom portion and a service technician will give the hands-on portion of the seminar. A manual will be provided for each participant. Upon request, time may be set aside for a discussion about your individual maintenance and / or process needs.
The cost for the seminar is $100 per attendee. The seminar cost includes a manual for each participant. We will provide a recommended hotel accommodations at which you will be able to take advantage of a discounted group rate. Breakfast, lunch and refreshments will be provided. Our facility is located at:
De Dietrich Process Systems3920 FM 3386
Corpus Christi, TX 78410
Attendance is limited. If you are interested in attending please reserve your space as soon as possible. To RSVP please complete the registration form below: