
Welcome to the web site of De Dietrich Process Systems. We are pleased that you are interested to learn more about our vast array of products, services and solutions. Thanks again for visiting ddpsinc.com.
We are proud to give you the possibility to discover our expertise and the specific solutions DDPS brings to the market under a new format. Our company, strengthened by it’s three leading brands, is recognized by the professionals as a strategic partner for their projects.
From the supplying of a single equipment to the design and erection of complete processes, DDPS represents a unique combination of engineering and manufacturing capabilities. We design, produce, pre mount in our workshops your systems before installing them in your plant wherever you are in the world, with the same commitment on the level of quality and service.
Our strength is to ensure the performance of your process, the respect of the lead times and the high level of quality you can expect from the De Dietrich name.
Enjoy your navigation!
Yours sincerely,
Daniel Steck, President