

  • High Surface Area to Volume Ratio: The design ensures that the liquid forms an extremely thin film, which significantly increases the surface area available for heat and mass transfer.
  • Short Residence Time: Due to the rapid movement and thin spread of the liquid, the residence time within the evaporator is very short, which is beneficial for heat-sensitive materials to prevent degradation.
  • Mechanical Agitation: The use of a rotor or wiper blades to create the film and induce turbulence allows for efficient heat transfer, even with viscous or fouling fluids.
  • Vacuum Operation: Many thin film evaporators operate under reduced pressure (vacuum), which lowers the boiling temperature of the solvents and further protects heat-sensitive products.


  • Efficient with Viscous and Fouling Products: The mechanical agitation and film creation mechanism make thin film evaporators particularly effective for handling viscous materials or those that tend to foul or deposit solids.
  • High Evaporation Rates: The combination of high surface area, enhanced turbulence, and vacuum conditions allows for higher evaporation rates compared to other evaporator types.
  • Scalability and Compact Design: Thin film evaporators are compact and easily scalable, making them suitable for both small-scale laboratory applications and large-scale industrial processes.
Thin Film Evaporators

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