Powder Pump System

The Powder Pump is a dense-phase pneumatic conveying system that eliminates the need to manually handle solids and minimizes other potential hazards by providing a closed system to transfer materials such as powders, prills, granules, flakes, etc. in a safe and contained manner. Simple in design and operation, the Powder Pump enables hazardous and toxic materials to be charged into an inerted vessel without exposure to operators or the environment and eliminates the need to open manways, which can result in the formation of explosive mixtures of solvent vapors, dust, and oxygen.

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  • Standard system sizes available to accommodate a wide range of transfer rates and volumes
  • Innovative filter design based on proven dust filter technology
  • Stainless steel, Hastelloy, or glass materials of construction
  • Versatile transfer capabilities (from or to multiple sources/locations)
  • Pneumatic or PLC-based controls customized to specific applications
Pharma Powder Pump
4" Powder Pump – Pharmaceutical Design
Powder Pump
8" Powder Pump (65 ft3/hr)
Powder Pump on reactor
4" Powder Pump on Glass-Lined Reactor (15 ft3/hr)
Powder Pump with Jbox
6" Powder Pump with integral junction box (65 ft3/hr)
12" Powder Pump – 150 ft3/hr


  • Ability to charge hazardous products safely
  • Improves cleanliness of plant and equipment through elimination of dust
  • Maximizes process efficiency with ability to charge to vessel under vacuum or pressure
  • Reduces equipment maintenance
  • Preserves product quality by eliminating cross contamination
  • Maintains vessel inertness during operation
  • Reduces Operator injuries caused by manual handling
  • Creates a contained system, eliminating need to open manway
  • Multiple design options available to optimize system performance
  • Reduces need for PPE
  • Prevents fugitive dust, powder spills and other housekeeping issues
  • Reduces risk of electrical static discharge

Mobile Powder Pump System

The Mobile Powder Pump System allows an end user to convey solids into multiple locations using only a single powder handling system. The complete system is mounted on a mobile trolley and includes a vacuum pump, controls, process valves and a Powder Pump unit. Compressed gas and electrical utilities are made via two quick and easy connections.

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  • Stand-alone unit is ergonomically designed for mobile operation (can include forklift channels for moving between buildings and storage).
  • One connection between trolley and Powder Pump unit once installed.
  • Pneumatic or PLC based system controls.
  • Ideal for R&D facility or CDMO where investment costs are critical, and equipment is multi-functional.
  • Can be used with modular gloveboxes and other equipment.
  • Designed per area classification (Class 1 or 2, Division 1 or 2)
  • Cantilevered design option allows Powder Pump to remain on cart while in use.


  • Ability to charge several reactors with one system.
  • Maintains product quality, operator safety and environmental protection.
  • Compact and easy to move and assemble.
  • Limited investment and fast ROI.

Request a Quote

Reach out to our team with any general questions or, if you have a specific inquiry in mind for your system, complete the Powder Pump Questionnaire.