Ingredients of success
Our equipment has been used for decades in the production of food and health care products in the widest sense, provided that the products to be processed can be termed bulk goods, solids, solid particles or piece goods in any way. In many cases, products in powder or agglomerate form must be homogenized, mixed with additives, moistened and dried. Natural products such as cocoa, coffee or nuts must be subjected to heat treatment, extraction, sterilization or another process while constantly mixing them. Product mixtures must be degassed, dust-forming powders must be bound or in some cases roughly agglomerated.
The regulations governing the production of such products are becoming increasingly strict. This is why it is important to use a machine tailored for these applications that will fulfil the strictest requirements already in its standard version, as well as making full product handling and rapid, satisfactory cleaning possible, thus resulting in a pure product.
The products are often very sensitive and must be treated gently throughout the entire process, even if the general economic conditions require high throughput volume. Constant availability, the greatest possible flexibility, simple operation, low investment and operating costs, while maintaining unlimited safety standards and consistently good product characteristics are other important criteria. All these requirements can be fulfilled with the equipment offered by us.
It is hard to imagine our food without sugar. The wide range of sugar types covers crystal sugar, raw cane sugar, sugar syrup as well as large crystalline rock sugar. Sugar cane from tropical regions as well as sugar beet grown in temperate latitudes are the main sources of the raw material for this application.
For the production of rock sugar, a demanding production process is necessary. To ensure that this process can be implemented smoothly, HEINKEL has developed special centrifuges fulfilling different requirements. The efficient, fully automatic operating centrifuges meet the high quality standards of the food industry ensuring optimum results regarding throughput, washing result and product quality.
Sugar is available in many different dosage forms. It can be distinguished not only by the type of raw material, for example cane sugar or beet sugar, but also by its shape, for example as cubes, crystal or candy. For the production of rock sugar, the vertical peeler centrifuges with bottom discharge from HEINKEL are ideally suited. Different fractions in the range from 2 mm to 25 mm are being processed. After completing the crystallization process, which can last several days, the main tasks of the centrifuge are washing the rock sugar crystals and spinning off the mother liquor followed by dry spinning.
As a luxury food, chocolate is indispensable for many people. However, it is a long way from an untreated, sour-tasting cocoa nib to delicious chocolate. A central step in this process is the alkalization of cocoa nibs and the associated refinement of the precious raw material.
With its central shaft cooker/alkalizer of the CCM series, BOLZ-SUMMIX offers a powerful and versatile process reactor for the alkalization and drying of cocoa nibs. This process includes operation under vacuum, use as an overpressure reactor, homogeneous mixing and sterilization of the broken cocoa nibs.
With its sanitary contained design and its flexibility, the BOLZ-SUMMIX central shaft cooker/alkalizer CCM meets the highest standards regarding product quality in combination with short reaction times and gentle product handling. This means that all process steps, such as heat treatment by adding steam directly into the reactor vessel, treating the cocoa nibs at overpressure and subsequent drying at negative pressure, can be carried out in one machine.
Alkalized cocoa is an ingredient used for example in chocolates, cakes, confectionery and beverages providing unique taste experiences. As the untreated cocoa beans are initially very sour after fermentation and do not have a good taste, they are broken into cocoa nibs and heated by the addition of steam. By means of overpressure and temperature, an alkaline solution is added, reducing the bitter flavouring components of the untreated cacao nibs and raising the pH value to approx. 7. Afterwards, the unwanted bitter substances have to be washed out and the colour of the cocoa has to be adjusted. A further process step includes the gentle and time-saving drying of the product in the same machine.
Other applications in the food industry include:
DE DIETRICH is the world's leading provider of engineered systems, process equipment and solutions for the pharmaceutical, food, green chemistry and chemical industries.
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