

  • Extremely Short Vapor Path: The name "short path" refers to the minimal distance that evaporated molecules must travel before condensing, typically measured in centimeters. This reduces the chance of heat-sensitive materials decomposing before condensation.
  • High Vacuum Operation: By operating under high vacuum, the boiling points of the substances are significantly reduced, which is critical for the distillation of high-boiling or heat-sensitive materials.
  • Precise Temperature Control: Allows for precise control over the heating temperature, which is crucial for substances that can easily degrade or polymerize.
  • Wiper System: The use of a wiper or rotor system ensures the formation of a thin and uniform film on the heated surface, which promotes efficient heat transfer and evaporation.


  • Reduced Thermal Stress: Short path distillation typically operates at lower temperatures compared to conventional distillation techniques, greatly reducing the thermal stress on the product.
  • High Purity Distillate: The ability to operate under high vacuum and with an efficient internal condenser allows for the production of very high purity distillates, often in a single pass.
  • Efficient Separation of Volatiles: Especially effective for the separation of small amounts of volatiles from high molecular weight species or highly viscous, sticky materials.
  • Compact Design: Generally, short path evaporators have a more compact design than traditional evaporators, which is advantageous for labs and facilities with limited space.
Short Path Evaporators

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